在绿美广东生态建设过程中,“专家型”人大代表一直是珍稀濒危植物的“护花使者”。系列专题片“外眼看人大”第二季——《中国式民主的践行者》第二集《结庐山林间》,英国网红博主杰瑞·格雷(Jerry Grey)来到了河源紫金县,与广东省人大代表叶钦良一起走进幽谷林间的履职一线,看他如何实地监测、广听民意,为植物界“大熊猫”安家,为野生稻原生境“建档”,让紫金的“奇花异草”通过科普进入更多人的视野,从而更好地守护属于你我的绿野蓝天。
With fewer than 300 wildtrees left in the world, Grantham's camellia is dubbed "the giant panda of plants." This palm-sized white beauty has bloomed in the dense forests of Heyuan's Zijin County, Guangdong.
But who's working behind the scenes to protect these endangered plants?
To seek the answer, British expat Jerry Grey heads to Zijin County to meet with Ye Qinliang, a deputy to the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress. Together, they venture deep into the forest, where the legislator is not just contributing his expertise in botany, but actively listening to the community, suggesting ways to protect Zijin's one-of-a-kind flora, and making sure these natural treasures are better protected for the future.