在新中国成立75周年、全国人大成立70周年之际,广东广播电视台对外传播中心独家推出系列专题片“外眼看人大”第二季——《中国式民主的践行者》。英国网红博主杰瑞·格雷(Jerry Grey)继续走进广东省各级人大,在人大代表履职的最前线,看中国式民主践行者们如何把为民服务的平凡点滴,汇集成人民代表大会制度的如炬韶光。
中国最基层的人大代表是如何履职的?他们又如何为群众开辟新的致富之路?本集《吊瓜田里壮歌飞》, 杰瑞来到了清远连山壮族瑶族自治县上帅镇东南村,看县级人大代表黄家瑛是如何通过流转土地来扩大吊瓜种植规模,提出建议推动非遗“抢花炮”传承发展,实现东南村经济和文化的“双重振兴”。
The people's congress system is the fundamental political system in China, serving as an important institutional vehicle for realizing whole-process people's democracy in China. Deputies to various levels of the people's congresses make laws and serve the people.
Jerry Grey, a British media commentator, continued his journey into multilevel legislative organs in Guangdong to witness how the deputies perform their duties. What he saw and heard during the tours are presented from today on in this three-episode special offer: Practicing China’s Democracy: An Expat’s Look into People’s Congress, to mark the 70th anniversary of the establishment of China’s National People's Congress this year.
How do grassroots-level deputies fulfill their duties? And how do they help increase incomes for local residents? In this episode, Jerry visited Dongnan Village in Lianshan’s Shangshuai Town, to witness how county-level deputy Huang Jiaying expands Chinese hanging gourd farming, and how he makes his own efforts to boost ethnic minority culture.